Thursday, 3 November 2011

Basement Blues Cover

Meant to post this a couple of months ago - tempus fugit!

The cover for Basement Blues - photo manipulation in Painter again. I added lighting and colour, plus a texture effect to get that grainy look.

The Blue moon Agency Logo was done in Corel Draw by hand; and will be on all of the series books.

Laid Hold cover

My friend and talented writer Richard Shury has finally released the e-version of Laid Hold the Dragon (I cannot say just how much I love that title), and got yours truly to play with the cover.

Although this is more image manipulation of a classic painting,  and adding textures and colour and playing with the lighting - I'm still pretty happy with this. More importantly, so is Richard.

If you'd like to grab a copy, here's a quick link to the Amazon UK site: : and Smashwords is :

Laid Hold The Dragon